My User Name and Password are Not Recognized in this Forum!

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My User Name and Password are Not Recognized in this Forum!

Post by EagleEye »

The Panda Technical Forum is a free service that Panda Security provides to all Internet users, regardless of being a Panda registered client.

This means that, if you need help from our experts or want to write a post in the forum, firstly you need to register exactly as you would do at any other forum: you only need to type a username and a password of your own choice.

For security reasons, we advice you NOT to register your Panda credentials (user name and password) as the credential for this forum.

Bear in mind, then, that your Panda username and password will not grant you access to the forum as the forum is an independent service from the ones you receive for free when you become a Panda client.
Best regards,
Support Forum Team